
I am Kathleen A Newman and I love what yoga offers me personally. I simply cannot imagine a future that does not include a regular yoga practice! 

I came to yoga slowly and yes, somewhat reluctantly, with a body that was stiff and inflexible. Two decades later, I know firsthand how yoga can help create a body that is a joy to inhabit.  I love to bring that experience to others, no matter what their starting place. 


I did my initial 200-hour yoga teacher training in 2018 at Yoga Mandali in Saratoga Springs, NY. Since then I have undertaken studies in Restorative Yoga (Ann Saffi Biasette, Embodied Life), Yin Yoga (The Summers School of Yin Yoga), and Anatomy (Libby Hinsley, DPT, Anatomy Bites), Yoga with Seniors (ShivaShakti School of Yoga and Healing Arts), as well as enjoying a wide variety of workshops offered by the Yoga Alliance.

My beginner classes are gentle and compassionate, with a focus on breath and awareness.  My more advanced classes bring that emphasis on self-awareness and self-love to a more physically demanding practice. 

I am always learning and always striving to bring a rich experience to my students.  

i am told that my natural sense of fun tends to keep class interesting and exploratory.

I come to yoga teaching from a background in Chemistry and Environmental Science. I am passionate about the importance of diet for health, and enjoy the wonders of plant medicine in the form of doTerra Essential oils.  I enjoy traveling, photography, hiking, and agility-training my fabulous Border-Collie-Poodle puppy, Bingley.