iKAN Yoga

Welcome to yoga for every body!

An on-line community to promote strength, flexibility and balance, one baby-step and one breath at at time. 


Yoga is not about achieving some ideal pose or posture.  Yoga is a practice through which we enjoy an integration of mind, body and spirit, and, over time, accrue some physical benefits that make journeying through life in these bodies more joyous.

My first request is that students honor their own body wisdom.  If this means modifying or skipping parts of the practice, I am happy to see you taking care of yourself.  

I encourage students to recognize that individuals may look quite different in the same pose.  We all have different genetics and different life histories.  In class we do particular asanas (poses) with particular goals in mind, often to strengthen or lengthen or increase flexibility in some area of the body.  Each body may look quite different as participants adjust their shape to find the target benefit for themselves.  

Our bodies are wonderfully responsive to requests for change.  When we repeatedly ask our bodies to be a little stronger in this way, or a little more flexible in that way, they take our request seriously and over time gradually modify in that direction.  In yoga we talk about "playing the edge."  To me the edge is the position where the body feels safe and protected, but at the same time a little stressed.  That stress is like a work-order, instructing the body to undergo modifications after yoga class is long over.  The more consistently you practice, the more likely you are to really enjoy the benefits that yoga offers. 

My goals for my students are as follows:


Chair Yoga for Strength, Flexibility, and Balance (60 min)

In this class we sit for much of the class.  We also do balance and standing poses beside or behind the chair, and develop strength in moving between sitting and standing.   

A sturdy folding chair or kitchen chair without arms is suitable. 

Class ends with a seated meditation.  

Gentle Yoga for Strength, Flexibility, and Balance (60 min or 90 min)

We practice gentle yoga  down on the floor and standing, and at times using a chair for sitting or assisting with balance. 

Both classes provide a top-to-toe awakening of the body, focussing on both stregth and flexibility.  The longer class format allows for a more extensive practice at a more relaxed pace, more detailed instruction, and more creative exploration.

Class ends with time to relax and integrate in a 7 minute "savasana" (corpse pose).

6-Week Introductory Sequence

This 6 weeks Intro to the Gentle Yoga Class is the place to start if you have never done yoga before. This class  is also a great place to start for those who have not practiced yoga in a while; it will gently reawaken your body to yoga and you will learn the movements and the postures we do frequently, bringing you up to speed for the  regular classes.  This introductory sequence will be offered periodically.  Please email me if you are interested and I will add you to the wait list.  Classes will be schedule for the the most mutually convenient time for participants.  I hope to meet you soon!


8’ yoga strap (or something similar).

Two yoga blocks (9"x6"x4").  

A carpet or yoga mat for floor yoga.  A yoga mat is also nice for chair yoga to stop the chair from slipping, and for practicing our standing poses.  

A folded blanket (or large, thick bath towel).

See Resources Page for more information.

All Classes are Live on Zoom

Practice from the comfort of your own home.  I will send you a link when you email me and tell me which classes you are interested in.  

Use the camera of a computer or mobile device set up to show me as much of you as space allows.  Use a computer or television screen for you to see me comfortably as I guide you through the practice.  An adapter and HDMI cable will take the signal from your device to television.  


I accept donations through Venmo [@Kathleen-Newman-15], credit card, or check. Everyone is welcome to attend, irrespective of ability to contribute.  Students typically donate $10 per class.  Please donate at a level that is right for you. Thank you.